NOTE: As of May 23, 2023, Dr. Baker's clinic is no longer working from our old offices at 501 E. King Street in Orlando. We are now at 557 North Wymore Road, Suite 202, Maitland FL 32751. Click here for a map.

If you need to call for directions or other office visit-related matters, call 407-794-8000.

Appointments: Call 407-794-8000, fax 877-409-1295 or use our Appointment Form

Call 407-794-8000,
fax 877-409-1295, or
use our Appointment Form

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Tips for mild sleep problems

Sleep is as important as diet and exercise to a good quality life. Most adults need seven to nine hours for optimal performance.

Some problems with sleep are relatively mild or are temporary. In the Orlando and Central Florida area, these mild sleep problems -- less troublesome than insomnia -- affect about 150,000 people.

Mild sleep problems do not usually require medical attention.

Below are some tips to help you with mild sleep health problems. You can also check our list of helpful insomnia websites and books.
During the day
  • Avoid daytime naps.

  • Exercise routinely. Do not exercise just before bedtime.

  • Avoid worrying while falling asleep. Find a time during the day to mull over your problems. A bed is a place to rest, not to worry.
Before bedtime
  • Relax before bedtime with calming activities such as reading, listening to music, or taking a warm bath.

  • Limit eating and drinking before bedtime. Do not consume caffeine, chocolate, nicotine or alcohol. Do not drink large amounts of liquid before bedtime.

  • Sleeping pills should be used cautiously. Most doctors prescribe sleeping pills for periods of three weeks or less. If you are taking sleeping pills, do not take them with alcohol.

  • Maintain a regular bedtime schedule, but don’t go to bed unless you are sleepy. If you are not sleepy at bedtime, then do something else. Read a book, listen to soft music or browse through a magazine (not in bed). Find something relaxing, but not stimulating, to take your mind off worries about sleep. This will relax your body and distract your mind.

  • Turn off electronic screens earlier in the evening, especially in the hour before you go to bed. Text-messaging, watching television, playing video games and doing other sorts of computer work can disrupt your ability to fall asleep. Silence your cellphone -- a chirping phone may wake you up at night.
Falling asleep
  • Keep your bedroom dark, quiet, comfortable and cool.

  • Do not read, watch television, talk on the phone, or do similar activities. Reserve the bed for sleep and special times.

  • If you are not able to fall asleep after 20 to 30 minutes, get out of bed. Do a relaxing activity until you feel drowsy.
In the morning
  • Don't oversleep. Sleep only as much as needed to feel rested.
  • Get up at the same time every day, including weekends.
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