NOTE: As of May 23, 2023, Dr. Baker's clinic is no longer working from our old offices at 501 E. King Street in Orlando. We are now at 557 North Wymore Road, Suite 202, Maitland FL 32751. Click here for a map.
If you need to call for directions or other office visit-related matters, call 407-794-8000.
Appointments: Call 407-794-8000, fax 877-409-1295 or use our Appointment Form
Call 407-794-8000,
fax 877-409-1295, or
use our Appointment Form
Epworth Sleepiness Scale
The Epworth Sleepiness Scale is a widely-used test that measures daytime sleepiness and helps diagnose sleep disorders. To do the test, click on the most appropriate choice for each activity. Then press the Compute Score button.
How to interpret your score
A score of 10 or more points may indicate excessive or inappropriate sleepiness. This can be a symptom of serious sleep disorders such as sleep apnea and narcolepsy. If you have a high score, or you are worried about your sleepiness, please make an appointment.
You may also want to have your spouse or partner fill out the form for you, as a double-check. In some cases, a person may not realize they are nodding off or dozing but this is noticed by the spouse or partner.
You may also want to have your spouse or partner fill out the form for you, as a double-check. In some cases, a person may not realize they are nodding off or dozing but this is noticed by the spouse or partner.
If the Compute Score button does not work in your browser: Each "Never" answer is worth 0 points, "Slight" is 1 point, "Moderate" is 2 points and "High" is 3 points. Simply add up your total points to find your score.