NOTE: As of May 23, 2023, Dr. Baker's clinic is no longer working from our old offices at 501 E. King Street in Orlando. We are now at 557 North Wymore Road, Suite 202, Maitland FL 32751. Click here for a map.

If you need to call for directions or other office visit-related matters, call 407-794-8000.

Appointments: Call 407-794-8000, fax 877-409-1295 or use our Appointment Form

Call 407-794-8000,
fax 877-409-1295, or
use our Appointment Form

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What to bring to your sleep disorder consultation

When you have a sleep disorder consultation, our goal is to help you sleep better and become healthier. To help your visit go smoothly, please follow these simple instructions.

The day before your consultation

1   If possible, call and confirm your appointment at 407-794-8000. This will ensure that the appointment is kept.

2   You should have received an information packet to your email or phone text. Fill out the questionnaire. This will make your time with us more efficient and informative.

3   Make a list of all medications that you're taking so the doctor has a clear picture of your current treatment.

  If you have any questions, write them down so you won’t forget to ask about them.

5   If you like, ask a spouse or friend to come with you to the appointment. They can serve as another set of ears, or can help take notes for you.

The day of your consultation

1   Before leaving for the appointment, be sure to check if you have or need the following:
        ✔️  Insurance card
        ✔️  Identification form (driver’s license)
        ✔️  Prescription from your doctor (if one was needed for the consultation)
        ✔️  Filled-out questionnaire
        ✔️  List of drugs you’re taking
        ✔️  List of any questions

2   Come directly to the sleep center. (You do not have to check in or pre-register anywhere else.)

3   During the consultation, feel free to ask the clinician to repeat anything that you feel you don’t understand. Repeat back to the clinician in your own words what you think you’ve heard to ensure that you understand them.

4   If you made a list of questions, don’t pull it out right at the start. But as the consultation winds down, review the list to check whether all your questions have been satisfactorily answered.
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