NOTE: As of May 23, 2023, Dr. Baker's clinic is no longer working from our old offices at 501 E. King Street in Orlando. We are now at 557 North Wymore Road, Suite 202, Maitland FL 32751. Click here for a map.
If you need to call for directions or other office visit-related matters, call 407-794-8000.
Appointments: Call 407-794-8000, fax 877-409-1295 or use our Appointment Form
Call 407-794-8000,
fax 877-409-1295, or
use our Appointment Form
Sleep studies
A sleep study helps us evaluate how you sleep. It is simple and stress-free for you -- all you have to do is sleep!
A sleep study may be performed at your home using special equipment, or by staying overnight at a sleep center. This way, Dr. Baker can more accurately diagnose and treat any sleep problems you might have.
A sleep study may be performed at your home using special equipment, or by staying overnight at a sleep center. This way, Dr. Baker can more accurately diagnose and treat any sleep problems you might have.
What a sleep study does
A sleep study (also called a polysomnogram) is a test that records your physical state during various stages of sleep and wakefulness.
It provides data that are essential in evaluating sleep and sleep-related complaints, such as identifying sleep stages, body position, blood oxygen levels, respiratory events, muscle tone, heart rate, amount of snoring and general sleep behavior.
It provides data that are essential in evaluating sleep and sleep-related complaints, such as identifying sleep stages, body position, blood oxygen levels, respiratory events, muscle tone, heart rate, amount of snoring and general sleep behavior.
What to expect during the sleep study
Most of our sleep studies take place at night. In a typical sleep study, you'll arrive at the sleep study location around 7:30 pm.
If you haven't done so already, you may be asked to fill out a questionnaire. Next, you will view a brief video that shows you what to expect during the study.
Then you'll go to your private bedroom and change into your sleepwear. Electrodes will be placed on your skin, in order to record brain and muscle activity. A microphone will record snoring, and straps around the chest and abdomen will monitor your breathing muscle movement. Pressure transducers at the level of your nose and mouth will record airflow. Despite all of the equipment, most people say it doesn't disrupt their sleep.
When everything is adjusted properly, you can read, watch TV ... or turn out the lights and go to sleep. (Many of our patients are so chronically tired that they have no problem falling asleep immediately.) At 11:00, any lights still on are turned off. Our objective is for you to have six hours of monitored sleep.
You will be awakened between 5 and 6 am, and the electrodes will be removed. You may be asked to complete a survey concerning your sleep experience. You will be given a sheet describing how you will be contacted with the results. Finally, you can take a shower, get dressed, and then go off to home or work.
If you haven't done so already, you may be asked to fill out a questionnaire. Next, you will view a brief video that shows you what to expect during the study.
Then you'll go to your private bedroom and change into your sleepwear. Electrodes will be placed on your skin, in order to record brain and muscle activity. A microphone will record snoring, and straps around the chest and abdomen will monitor your breathing muscle movement. Pressure transducers at the level of your nose and mouth will record airflow. Despite all of the equipment, most people say it doesn't disrupt their sleep.
When everything is adjusted properly, you can read, watch TV ... or turn out the lights and go to sleep. (Many of our patients are so chronically tired that they have no problem falling asleep immediately.) At 11:00, any lights still on are turned off. Our objective is for you to have six hours of monitored sleep.
You will be awakened between 5 and 6 am, and the electrodes will be removed. You may be asked to complete a survey concerning your sleep experience. You will be given a sheet describing how you will be contacted with the results. Finally, you can take a shower, get dressed, and then go off to home or work.
Doing a second sleep study, for a CPAP trial
Many of our sleep studies show that patients will benefit from a CPAP breathing-assist device. About half of the time, we are able to perform a CPAP trial during the first night's study. (If this is not the case, you will be asked back for a second sleep study.) You will be fitted with a CPAP device and monitored through the night to ensure the settings are best for your medical needs.